Call for Papers
and CR instructions

Call for Papers

The workshop is organized in two separate tracks (subject areas):

We welcome early-stage submissions and previously published work exploring these themes and advancing the state of the art in fairness, interpretability, privacy, resource-efficiency of ML; ethics of AI and ML; regulation of ML technology broadly conceived and in the European regulatory framework especially; data mining and process mining in legal corpora.

We also especially invite interdisciplinary submissions that discuss ML methods and technology from a sociological, philosophical or psychological standpoint.

Paper Format

We invite three distinct kinds of submissions: regular papers (between 10 to 14 pages, excluding references), original short papers (7 pages, excluding references) and extended abstracts of previously published work (2 pages, excluding references). Submissions should follow the Springer LNCS/LNAI format available at

Submissions will be reviewed following a single-blind procedure. Therefore, authors should include their names and affiliations in the paper.

Authors of original short and regular papers will be able to opt-in for publication in the ECML 2023 CCIS Workshop proceedings. A list of accepted papers will also be published on this website.

Paper submission

For paper submission, please proceed to our submission page (

NOTE: when submitting, please choose one of the two subject areas 'Non-Functional Tradeoffs, Ethics and Society' or 'Knowledge Discovery and Process Mining for Law (KDPM4LAW)'. 

Camera Ready instructions

Camera Ready (CR) guidelines from Springer: please read the guidelines.
CR submission:

All the submissions should follow the Springer LNCS/LNAI format available at:

Copyright form to be completed, signed and uploaded:

CR deadline: October 1st (11:59pm, AoE) 2023