Workshop schedule

22nd of September 2023 - Turin, Italy

All times in the following schedule are CEST

Where: the workshop event will be hosted in Politecnico di Torino (Corso Castelfidardo 39 - Turin, Italy), room 9i. See also EMCL PKDD useful information page.


Session 1 - AI Regulation (WS chair: Alesia Vallenas Coronel)

Session 2 - AI for Law (WS chair: Roberto Nai)

Session 3 - Process Mining for Law (WS chair: Emilio Sulis)

Session 4 - Fairness in ML (WS chair: Marius Köppel)

Session 5 - Privacy (WS chair: Mattia Cerrato)

Important information

Authors of accepted papers should give an oral or poster presentation at their workshop.

If you can't present your paper in presence, please notify your workshop organizers and fill in the online form linked below by Monday, September 11th, you’ll then receive further instructions:

1) Room equipment

- Each room is equipped with a computer connected to a slide projector and a microphone to amplify your voice. 

- The computer has an Internet connection. 

- A PDF reader and the Microsoft Office suite (e.g., PowerPoint) are installed.

- The computer in the room must be used for your presentation as it is configured for all required connections, e.g. microphone, projector, online streaming on Zoom Events. 

- You cannot use your own PC for the presentation

2) Presentation format

  - Please prepare your presentation in PDF or PPT(X) formats.

  - If you have additional multimedia material, such as a video, you are welcome to bring it as well, even though we cannot guarantee that all codecs and formats will be compatible.

  - No template is provided for presentations by the conference.

3) Poster format

- Please print your poster in A1 format, portrait. 

- No template is provided for posters by the conference.